
As you may have guessed, my name is…

It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Of course different people call me different things, some people call me Stevie, others just Steve. A few women I’ve dated as well as some authority types have called me Steven, I totally prefer the way it sounds coming from an affectionate woman. I had a small group of friends that called me Animal for a spell, and I had a couple that called me Morris the Cat. An old boss and some friends say Morris, with other friends it’s Mo, or brother or fam. I have actual family, Jeffbro, who calls me bro/little bro, and a couple of cousins that call me cuz. Some of my nephews and nieces call me Uncle Steve, though none of my aunts or uncles have ever called me nephew Steve. My PäPZ sometimes called me son, and although I have answered to babe on countless occasions to just as many females, the only person I’ll ever answer when I hear baby, is my MäMZ. Honey, sweetie, sweetheart, sexy, and handsome have all been applied to me by a variety of women through the years. My ex-wife referred to me often as the children’s father or her husband, then it was ex-husband along with some other rather unpleasant names I won’t bother to mention. While there are many others that have come and gone, there has never been anything that compares to, or that I have ever preferred, over hearing my children call me Daddy.

Just as I have been called by many names I have also had many interests and have developed a wide variety of skills and talents as well as a fairly extensive knowledge base, though I am always eager to learn and claim no expertise in any field. This has allowed me to continue to be self-employed for over 20 years and has also caused me to fill a lot of roles. Yes, I wear a lot of hats, both literally and figuratively. I almost always have a hat on my head.  I’ve always loved hats! Something I picked up from my PäPZ. Right now I have a rather small collection of literal hats, but a decent collection none-the-less. Now as far as my figurative hats, well lets just say Administrator of this website, is but one – among many others. Another quality I suppose I can partially thank PäPZ for, a jack-of-all-trades, he was indeed.

The best way to get to know me is by allowing yourself to get lost in exploration, and start clicking away on this cool little Site I made just for you, and check out some of the nifty things I do, and then…introduce yourself.

So I can get to know you too!

I love meeting people.

This is Shy. He’s shy. Unlike me.

Here’s a few fun facts about me you may be interested to know…

I use this trio to build PURE SWEETNESS.

I can do neat things with THIS STUFF.

You can find these things in MY TOOLBOX.

I consider all of these places OFFICE SPACE.

I perform @ my peak with THIS SPECTACULAR MIXTURE.

I always was a SUCKER FOR BLUE EYES.

I have blue eyes.

And I really like telling people about Jesus and that we…

Food For Your Heart. Water For Your Soul. Light For Your Mind.

Sound like something you could do with a little more of? Check out loveyalots.com!

Or perhaps you’d like to help spread the word about corruption?

First, Check This Out! And then…Tell The World!

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Learn A Little About My Family

  • MäMZ
    Presenting Her Exc”ELLEN”ce… EllenG. The woman I refer to as MäMZ… The deliverer of my earthly-birthly, EllenG has been the most loving and encouraging mother figure a person could ever ask for! Ready to help anyone she can at the drop of a hat, she has lived a life of willingness to do for others. Her… Read more: MäMZ
  • PäPZ
    Allow me to introduce… Bubber. This is the man I call PäPZ. This picture was taken with one of Bubber’s 11 grandchildren on her Graduation Day, what a happy day Bubber was having that day! Bubber has 3 other kids other than myself, and was married to the same woman (I call her MäMZ) for 40 years.… Read more: PäPZ

This is how we keep out of trouble…wanna read a

Canton, Ohio